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Rat Diarrhea

21 17:42:50

My rat Donatello (male, 1 1/2 years old) has been having mild diarrhea for a couple of days now. He has a vet appt scheduled for Monday morning (soonest I could get him in), but he is really low on energy (he's usually incredibly hyper).

His diet has not changed at all recently (nor has his environment), so I am not sure what has triggered this. He really seems miserable. Naps a lot more, moves slower...I think he has a bad stomachache from all this. His other health signs seem normal.

Do you have any recommendations of home treatments I could give him until he gets to meet with the vet?

Thank you very much,


(His cagemate seems just fine, no diarrhea from him.)

Hi Katie

I am sorry for the delay in writing to you.  Something was wrong with my inbox so I didnt get alot of messages till today!    

Is Donatello laying flat with his belly pressed on the surface?  Is he rubbing his face/dragging his face along the ground at all?
Is his belly distended more than usual?

Sorry for the questions, but its hard to know what is wrong since I cannot see him in person.

Its important he drinks so push the fluids. You can offer him children's pedialyte to have replace any lost electrolytes from the diarrhea.

Also, puffed rice, puffed wheat or uncooked oatmeal flakes also help to harden stools.

Please let me know what the vet says.  You dont notice blood in the stool do you?