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rats with diahrea

21 17:37:47

QUESTION: I have four young male rats (abouy 6 weeks) together in a cage and for the past two days they have come down with a bad case of the runs. Its really smelly and wet and gross and i was wondering what i can do to get rid of it. I tried giving them oatmeal and i stopped giving them lettuce and fruits. What should i do?

ANSWER: Don't worry... Their going to *most likely* be fine.
Young babies like that have just recently been weaned off of their mother's milk, so feeding them oatmeal, fruits and vegetables is a durastic change in feed.
What are you feeding them? When? Or can they help them selves to it at all times?
Don't give them any more treats for about 3-5 days and always have water available.
They should not have it after a few days if they are just eating their plain food.
Hope I helped!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi thanks for helping me out. I weaned the babies about 2 weeks ago and i have been feeding them a homemade diet of different low-sugar cereals, dry pasta, bits of wheat-bread, rice, trail mix-like food from the grocery store, and dried fruits and berries. It has been available to them at all times. I have also been giving them lettuce, fruits, and veggies about every other night. They were fine for the first week or so, then they developed diahrrea.
I've put them on a diet of oatmeal, dry and cooked rice, bananas, and the occasional yogurt drop. They have plenty of water. However, the runny poo hasn't gone away! Its exhausting having to put fresh newspaper and boxes in the cage up to 3 times a day! I'm starting to think it might be a bacterial infection. My girls are in a cage next to the boys, and they're just fine. Should i just give them more time or should i consider getting antibiotics from the vet?

Hmm, What you were feeding them sounds very healhy, So we can rule out the food, I would say they do have a bacterial infection.Take them to the vets and make sure the medication is gentle.
Or it could be from weaning, I have had babies that have done this before for a couple weeks.
But just incase, I would get them checked out at the vets.