Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > My male rat has a growth like on his back

My male rat has a growth like on his back

21 17:48:50

QUESTION: Hi I am really concerned about my male rat he has like a huge scab like bump on his back and it don't seem to be getting any better and we put ointment on it but its not going away do you think I should call a vet or what?...It don't keep him from doing his normal things but it looks gross and I'm worried that it hurts him.So please let me know what to do ASAP..Thanks,Amanda

ANSWER: Hi Amanda

How long has he had it?  Can you tell me what it looks like or take a picture of it? If you touch it, does he act like it hurts?
How old is your rat?  Do you have a vet for him? If not let me know your area code so I can find a vet for you if it comes down to it that he needs to be seen.  How big is it?  You said its is it gross, tell me word for word what it looks like.  Does anything come out of it? If so, what color is it and does it smell?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: He has had it about 9 months.Well my mom said it looks kinda like a age wort to her,..its like quarter of an inch tall,eighth of an inch wide,the color is like a greenish gray and on the top of it,its got a like a little cut and when we put ointment on it theres like green puss that comes out...the green puss has just started coming out so we think he scratched it open or his brother did cause i have 2 males and we had to seperate them.Yes when we put ointment on it he jumps and squeaks so i take it does hurt for him.My rat is about 2 years old.Not as of right now cause we don't have the money for a vet but our area code is 906 and our zip code is me its gross cause its like hard and to me in my opion it looks like a huge scabbed filled with something and when the puss comes i guess it stinks like rotting flesh like an infection...its not super strong but if you put it up to your nose you sure will smell it...also my mom had bought triple anitbioatic ointment to put on it and we started to put it on 2 days ago and it seems to be getting a little better

Its an abscess and you and mom need to get it cleaned out and   fast.

First you will need cotton, clean water and something like hibicleanse but if not, plain water is fine. DO NOT USE PEROXIDE.
You  need to loosen up     the scab and clean  it out ASAP!
You or your mom must press around the lump and pop this abscess or it will enter his blood stream and kill him.   It must all come out of there and it will stink yes, and it may be  gross,but it needs done now.

After cleaning it out, wring the cotton ball full of water over it to rinse it out really good. Pack the antibiotic ointment in the hole          that is left.


Does it look better now?