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Keeping Rats

21 17:18:10


I'm an 18 year old guy looking to keep two rats as pets.

I've done some Internet-based research on rat keeping, but I was hoping to get some better instructions on how to care for my new friends.

I've yet to purchase any, because I'm unsure of where to start.

I would like to know what type(s) of rat and gender you would recommend for somebody who is new to the field, and what manner of cage I should procure or make based on breed, size, etc. As I previously mentioned, I would like to have two rats. I have a relatively spacious bedroom, and wondered if it would be a suitable location for a cage.

I already have one African Fat-tailed gecko in a 20-gallon tank, but I don't believe that to be any sort of problem.

What type of food should I purchase for the rats?

I just need a but of help with getting started.

Thanks for your time!

ANSWER: Type really isn't contingent on your skill-level, although I recommend veering away from hairless at first, and strongly suggest buying from a breeder - I've been breeding for a number of years and would be happy to help you find a reputable breeder in your area, if you need help finding one.

Gender, too, is a self-preference -- this page here:
should help you put it into perspective a bit. Either way, big is always better when it comes to a cage. I personally like using Martins cages (aim for a square foot per adult rat) or bookshelf cages -- which are quite literally a modified bookcase turned into a rat cage. For food, I suggest Oxbow Regal Rat or Harlan Teklad. If you can't find either of those, my rats seem to enjoy the Mazuri lab block diet as well. I couple my lab block diet with a grain diet (google "Suebee's Rat Diet" for a recipe) and go easy on the treats.

If you're a light, fitful sleeper, don't keep your rats in your room. I'm a very light sleeper and every squeak or tumble wakes me up. I found I slept much better once my rats were out of the bedroom. Otherwise, a LOT of people keep their rats in their room and find it works just fine for them.

Let me know if you need anything, and good luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for taking the time to reply.

I would like some help finding a reputable breeder.

I live in Brantford, Ontario. I'm a two-hour drive from toronto (I haven't got a car, but have access to the train)

If you can help me find a stor that sells good lab blocks I'd be grateful. I actually found Suebees rat diet while researching pet rats a few days ago! I'm glad I bookmarked it.

Thanks for the help!

Try checking this link:

That should point you toward a breeder near you, unfortunately I don't know the area that well. I buy all of my lab block online, or go to my local feed store. sells their lab diet there, I believe Harlan has halted shipping temporarily. Do you have a local feed store? If so, check there.