Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > rat wieght

rat wieght

21 17:57:29

My rat sort of big wieght wise. I have seen bigger though. She also has a large butt capacity. This also throws her off balance. Is she irregular or do not worry about it?

P.S. I am going to the vet soon. Is there anything I should ask or ask to examined?

Hi Kristy

How old is your rat and do you know how much she weighs?

What do you feed her? Can you tell me what her diet is and this way I can tell if she is eating too much fat and too high of protein which is not good for them.
Are you seeing an exotic vet and why are you going to the vet? Is she sick or do you simply want her to have a good examination?

Let me know so I can further advise....

