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My Pet Rat Wilber

21 17:37:58

Dear Molly,
I have had my dumbo rat, Wilber, for almost two years now. He has been a wonderful pet and has showed no health problems until now. I just had him running around on my bed and my brother noticed a large bumb on his chin. It looked a little swelled up, almost like a bubble,and red,  but we have no clue what it might me. He doesn't show any signs of discomfert but I'm worried it made be a tumor or something I should be worried about. I dont know if I should tkae it to the vet until I can find out what it may be. Please contact me as to what the problem is. Thank you.

Hmm, Well it is hard to diagnose what Wilbur may have since I cannot see it. I think it may be a an abcess. Its like a giant pimple. DONOT squeeze it, you should take him to the vet to do that.
I donot think it is a tomour since rats have never had any there in my life time.
Leave it for now and take him to a vets.
I hope this helps!