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zymbal gland infection

21 17:28:24

Hi, it appears that my rat has this problem.  Took her to vet and he cleaned it out some but it came back. He has not see this before.  Do you know of anyone in the Spokane Washington area that specializes in small rodents?

Hi Lori

How do you know the rat has zymbals tumor?  Did you find it on my website?   

How often has it been cleaned out and filled up again?  How long has your rat had this going on?

As for vets, here is what I have for you

Ponti Veterinary Hospital
25007 E Wellesley Avenue
Otis Orchards, WA 99027
phone (509) 922-7465...fax (509) 226-1994

The certified exotic specialists are hours from you, but the place above has vets that do treat rats and other exotics all the time and are very trustworthy.  I suggest printing out the info about zymbals gland tumor from my webpage and bring it along. Also let the vet know what medication the rat is on from the other vet and let them know the treatment used for your rat too so they know what works and what doesnt work.   Not all facial/cheek and jaw abscesses are related to zymbals gland tumor but many are, and a vet that is not really experience with it wond really know what to think. It is obvouis it is a cancer since it continues to return, but the vet should know some special means to treat it such as debriding the area, showing you how to clean it out etc....and nursing care as the rat gets worse rahter than imporving.  If it is zymbals, this is uaully a poor prognosis but it doesnt mean the rat needs put to sleep right away or is going to die right away!  keeping the pus from building up can be done by inserting a tiny drain, antibiotics given for the duration of the rats life are also warranted, and of course, pain meds as this progressed.  Feeding baby food and also feeding baby food mixed with water will help if the rat cannot chew well from the large wound on the face.  Lets just be positive for now and see what the new vet says, but again, please bring the print out for the vet to read...soemtimes they need a refresher course in certain ailments thaty may not see on a daily basis,              

PLEASE!! Let me know how it goes.  I would appreciate knowing how the little rat makes out.  Also if you can send a photo of the rat with the abscess please send it to  I like to have photos for examples for case studies etc..  thanks so much!