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What is wrong with Zac?

21 17:10:21

In the last week my son's pet rat Zac (2yrs)began behaving odd.  He will uncontrollably arch his head back and forth, repeating this involuntary action over and over. He has been constantly grooming and scratching one eye, causing it to bleed in the corner. He is lethargic, whilst still eating and drinking, yet not as interested in his food. He has been getting all the right food, however weeks and weeks ago, I started giving him the core of green apples when he showed a lot of interest in the apple seeds. I now read from many sites the seeds contain quantities of cyanide compounds whilst not as dangerous for humans it is however a risk for rats. I stopped a few days ago when I discovered this information, but the symptoms persist. He is no longer showing interest in climbing and is not that steady on his feet. Can you please help. By the way we live in Brisbane, Australia.

Hmmm..... I wish I could say I knew about the green apples and the core etc....but I dont know. This is a first for me.  I do know alot of foods contain

Orange juice contains d-limonene which can cause kidney cancer in male rats  and I think every rat owner knows by now that feeding your rat uncooked/raw sweet potato contains cyanide-forming compounds that can build up and become deadly to your rat. Another one I can think of off hand that I think many rat owners know also is avocado pits being toxic to rats although the fruit part is yummy and nutritious but a bit fattening.

There is a list on my site, but I dont recall anything a bout green apple cores and seeds etc... I usually tell my readers to refrain from feeding their rats any type of seeds from fruits. Can you direct me to the site you read this on?  I like to know mainly to find out the credentials of the website.  If its from one of the few sites that has accurate info, I will find that information credible, but if its coming from a site written by a rat owner that logs any old wives tale they come across without facts to base their claims, I usually dont take much stock in what they have written.

Now about your almost sounds like he has a neurological problem. It could be a pituitary tumor and this does indeed cause them to do what you described with his head.  Is he using his front paws to grasp objects or do you notice a weakness in them?  

Do you need a vet?