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Soft stool

21 17:40:00

I am concerned about my rat's soft stool, they are all soft and are in regular amounts (she isn't having any problem passing stool). I read your response to another question, so I am going to offer her Pedialyte / cranberry (my vet has recommended cranberry) and offer puffed rice.

Can I but the cranberry Pedialyte in a seperate container from her water? This was even if she doesn't like it she won't stop taking in fluids.


Yes, I always advise people to keep all other liquids from their water bottle.  If the rat ever associates a nasty taste he doesnt like he wont go back for more. This has alot to do with their wild ancestors that for years have been smart enough to figure out when they are being poisoned. They usually watch when the alpha tries something new to eat, if he lives, they will eat it but if he becomes ill or dies they will identify the odor or taste and never eat that particular food again. Their cunning skill of identifying poison has been a be problem for some exterminators (HAHA GOOD FOR THEM!!!!!! CHALK ONE UP FOR THE RATTIES!)
Anyhow the point is of course is that alot of vets that lack knowledge about rat care will instruct the rat keeper to add a specific medication to their water and of course this is not only bad for the fact that how do you know how much medication the rat gets (he would need to drink the entire bottle!!!!) but if it tastes gross, the rat would rather die from dehydration than drink it for fear of being poisoned.

Anyhow, you see to have it under control. Keep me posted or if you have any other concerns feel free to write back any time!