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Male rat bitten by female rat

21 17:02:25


I have 2 adult rats, 1 male and 1 female. I have had the female for 6 months, and was finally able to get a larger cage so that she could have a friend. We introduced them properly, and at first they seemed to get along, but suddenly the female began to bite the male's feet. She bit 3 of his feet, drawing blood on all 3! We put them in separate cages immediately, but one of his feet lost quite a bit of blood, and he looks like he's in pain. Should I take him to the vet, or is this an injury he can naturally or quickly overcome?

Also, it may be important to note that my female's feet are slightly deformed; she has nubs for front toes, and missing some back toes, with nails growing on side of toes. I fear that they won't be able to get along. Is this possible? Sorry for the long question!

Thank you so much!

First of all, is one of them fixed (spayed or neutered?)  If so, thats a good start. Did you allow them time to get to know each other before putting them together?

Your male may end up with a nasty infection and a vet check would be a good idea. Is the area swollen?

If they are not sexually altered, its a really good idea to keep them apart until this is done or else you will have babies, and you do NOT want babies, trust me.  You have no idea what kind of health they would be, what type of genes they would carry as far as health and temperament goes etc...etc... the list goes on, but thats why I asked about their status.

Let me know about the few things I asked you and we will go from there.