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Rat tail question

21 17:51:20

QUESTION: Our rats tail has started to have a very chewed on and bumpy look to it. It also has a little orange-yellowish tint to it in some spots. Do you know what this could be? She is approximately 10 months old.Thanks for any help you can give us.

ANSWER: Hi Jason

Is the tail bloodie with scabs?

The orange yellow spots you see are bascially deposits of a waxy substance from the sebaceous glands working over time.
However, rats can get dermatitis on their tail too. You may want to look into buying some cortisone cream from the drug store and rubbing it on in a thin layer. See how this works.  

If she has open sores, a bit of neosporin will help take care of infection.  Also rats can get fungal infections of the tail too so if after a week of using the cortisone, stop and try an antifungal cream.

Does your little girl like to have baths?  

Let me know.....



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Sandra,
The tail is not bloody and does not have scabs. Some spots feel a little squishy though. To be honest I don't think we have given her a bath. We will give her one and try the cortisone and anti fungal cream too. Can I purchase the creams from a regular store or do they come from a vet?
Thanks again for your help.

Hi Jason

You can buy the creams right at the drug store,even Walmart.
Look for the anti fungal cream where they sell the stuff for athletes foot etc...and the cortisone cream will be where the antibacterial ointment is kept. Generic (store brand) is fine to use, btw.

If you want to just try to wash her tail, you can do it and use a very soft baby toothbrush with super soft bristles. Brush the toothbrush the same way the hair on her tail goes (downward actually) rub in circles in the area where the orange colored deposits are. You can use  soapy water and rinse well, but she may fuss about it some. Its not worth stressing her so if she freaks, I would not force it on her.

Hope this helps
