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Questions on Rat Blocks for 6 Week Old Rats

21 17:21:37

I have two new baby rat boys, both 6 weeks old and I have a question about lab blocks as I seem to be finding contradictions with my research.
We bought Mazuri lab blocks for the new babies and no problems, they eat it and seem to like it, but I have been doing more research and from what I read, people seem to really give the thumbs up for Harlan Teklad blocks. Super, but now I am confused and here is why:
According to my research, a good growth food for rats under 8 months would be a lower protein block like the Harlan Teklad 2018 blocks which are 18% protein and they recommend it for growing ratties, but I noticed that the primary ingredient in those is not soybean meal and I have read that soybean as the primary ingredient is much better for rats than having wheat or corn as the first ingredient. And these 2018 blocks have corn/wheat as the primary ingredient, not soybean. Hmmm!
However, the Harlan Teklad 8604 blocks DO have soybean as the first ingredient and I have read great reviews from breeders about it but the protein content is 24 percent and that seems to contradict what I have read about high protein not being as good for rats as lower protein content.
My Mazuri blocks DO have soybean as the first ingredient, but the protein content is 23 percent and it also has alfalfa, which I read was not good for rats either. So, do you have any opinions or advice on my quandry? Oxbow Regal Rat does not have soybean as the first ingredient either and I have heard that a lot of rats don't like the taste. I just want what is best for my little guys! Thanks for any advice you can give!

Yep, its confusing alright, and all that you said is true, from the corn being the first ingredient to alfalfa not being able to be properly digested by rats.

I prefer oxbow hands down, but it is advised it is for rats OVER 4 months old ::sighs:: so there you go, one more very confusing statement.

I have baby rats myself, brought them home at the age of 4.5 weeks of age and was already worrying about their diet even though I have raised rats for years and have taken care of other peopels rats at the clinic(s) along with giving advice on proper diet, preaching about high protein and fats and also having fits over the garbage they call rat food sold at pet stores that is an all seed mix not even good enough to feed birds let alone rats!!

Here is what I suggest: Make the homemade diet, there are tons of ideas on my webpage. This is very low in protein and fats and do not use the blocks as their only source of foods since rats do get bored with the same old same old, needing and deserving variety in their diet. I use Mazuri when there is nothing else, and my rats probably eat half a block a day, more of a treat than a staple in their diet to be honest.  My first choice is Oxbow regal rat so in a few more weeks I will introduce them to it when they are 16 weeks, right now they are still too young.  They get peas and carrots daily along with their rat mix and a few fresh blocks and are good to go.  My rats live to be anywhere from 2.5 years to 4 years old and have never had any diet related problems, from kidney disease due to high proteins to obesity (rats do not over eat, they get chubby from the unhealthy food we feed them) I know someone that shares her McDonalds with her rats and also gives them everything she has for dinner, they get to share too.  I have lost count of the times I have warned her about this and her rats end up having kidney disease and tip the scales over 900 grams and yes, end up with heart disease.  The seed mix she uses isnt helping either, which explains why her rats end up with tumors too.  Yes intact females are prone to mammary tumors, but to have every single female you have develop them and they are fed the seed mix raises an eyebrow or two.

Here is the URL to my website. There are links recipes and other info on proper diet, some things you may have already read, maybe there is some more info that is new you may find interesting.


DUH ME! I forgot to add the link to my site! Yeah its Friday alright! :)