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Hairless Rats, sick/injured

21 17:59:27

Hi!  I have two female Hairless Rats.  Through a bad accident, they were attacked by one of my ferrets.  One was bitten on the back, but not seriously, it just kind of peirced the skin.  This is already healing up nicely, no sign of infection.  The other rat was bitten on the tail and the skin was ripped right off the end of the tail, which seemed more serious because there was tissue exposed.  There were white stripes on the exposed tissue, but it didn't look to me like bone- could it be tendons or something?  What is your advice on caring for the injuries, as I do not currently have the funds to see a vet?  My first concern was infection, but it has been a few days and I don't see any signs of it.  Would I be able to tell?  I soaked them in salt water a few times, but when I did that again yesterday the end of the tail (which had scabbed over) opened up again like a fresh wound and bled alittle.  Should I keep soaking them in the salt water or not?  Also, one of my rats makes a lot of noises when she is sleeping, like breathing/chirping noises, not wheezing or anything.  Could you tell me what you think?  Thank You so much!!  

Ouch, that sounds painful. I would keep her cage very clean and stop soaking her tail in salt water. Let it scab over and begin to heal. However, antibiotics from a vet would be very helpful.
If she doesn't have any trouble breathing during the day, its probably nothing. Keep watching her though and take her to the vet if it gets any worse.