Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > why is cheeto so jumpy?

why is cheeto so jumpy?

21 17:57:02

QUESTION: Hi sandra remember me?I got a fancy rat named cheeto last friday and he is still really jump is there any way I can help him calm down? this would be greatly appreciated(spelling)?

ANSWER: Hi Adara

Yes I remember you. You joined my forum recently. Also, I wrote back to you a lengthy response I dont think you read yet and suggested you read over my website.

THere is a special way to trust train a shy rat. Instead of reaching in and grabbing at him, you must allow him to come to you first. Forcing yourself on him only makes it worse.

Can you tell me what he is doing that has you concerned? Is he your first rat? Baby rats are very high strung and jumpy no matter what. The last thing they want is to sit still. They want to explore and should be given a very secure area to do it.  Please refer to the last message I wrote to you on here with my website URL (or get it from my profile)
Meanwhile, let me know how he is acting rather than being just being jumpy so I know how to explain to you how to handle him.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: he was five weeks old yesterday and yes he is my first rat.but he does this certain thing.he has a little house he sleeps in and when the light is on in my room he'll look up and just sit there looking up and I need to know how to handle him so I dont hurt him.I just want him to have a healthy life

You should never pick him up by his tail for starters...just cup your hand under him and around him, allowing him to peek out.  However, I suggest first you have a safe place to take him for is time out because they are fast as the speed of sound at this age.  There is a great "wall" you can make out of cardboard that you can make and you can open his cage door, sit inside the enclosed area with him and allow him to come out on his own.  Everyday after washing your hands good, put your hand in and let him sniff you and climb on your hand but again, if he is jumpy do NOT pick him up or he will jump out of your hands.  Best way to train a timid rat is to allow him to do things on his own and come to you on his own. Check out this link to make the cardboard wall so you can have a safe play area for him because he needs out of the cage and has to be able to learn about YOU and what your all about.
Here is the URL to that site and also the URL to my website to teach you all about proper rat care.  Be sure to read up on diet too because pet store seed mixes are not healthy enough for rats and I know you want what is best for him.

Scroll all the way down this page to see about the RAT RUN!

Here is the link to my website: