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Update on Midget--Pituitary tumor

21 17:23:33

Hi Sandra,

We had some communication in May about my little Midget. She had a seizure on Mother's Day due to a pituitary tumor. Well the little girl is still going. She's mostly blind, I think that she sees shadows, and gets along pretty much by sense and smell. She eats well but I can't leave food just in her cage because she fouls it unknowingly and she doesn't seem to find food in a hanging dish. Or she has trouble getting to it.

She's much more interested in being held and cuddled than before, in fact when she gets free range time she'll come and park herself at my feet, signaling "Pick me up." She loves to be held where before she wanted to run. I have to bathe her once a week because she can't groom herself efficiently. She falls over often when she's trying to sit up on her back feet. She can't hold food and eat it too. Same problem, she keels over. If it's something that she really likes, corn tortillas for instance, she'll fall over and keep eating, which is a sort of comical. It's funny and sad at the same time.

Over all I'm so glad that I didn't euthanize her when she had her seizure. She's still living a good life and is getting so much love, and is open to more attention because she's so much more vulnerable I guess. She's going to live her full ratty life out being feed well, warm, and with lots of cuddles and kisses. Thanks for your support during the trying days after her seizure.


I am glad to hear she is still with you. Rats are such an inspiration...they love their life and want to fight to be with us as long as they can be here. I am glad you did not put her down after her seizure.  You are doing all of the right things such as supportive nursing care and of course lots of cuddles and kisses too. Keep up the good work and also thank you for the update.  I really appreciate it.

Hugs to your little trooper!