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Red eyes

21 17:56:59

A rat friend has red stuff around it's eyes, these are the questions I was told to answer
1) Is it one eye or both? Both eyes
2) Is there porphyrin around the nose?no
3) Is the rat sneezing excessively?no
4) Does it seem to be breathing ok?Breathing ok.
5) Does the eye ball itself still look normal?Looks like the rat has scratched around the eyes. She is active, eating and social.
6) Is the rat squinting?no
Hope this helps, my friend who owns the rat is worried as she lost a rat last year to respirtory problems. Also the rat is a school rat if this matters :)


What is the rats diet and type of bedding used?

It sounds like allergies but in order to pinpoint what is causing the allergies, its important to consider the diet. High protein diets cause allergies and is a very common occurence. Also, bedding can cause allergies as well.

Please let me know so I know where to start.