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Fat Rats

21 17:18:05

Hi Sandra.  I am not sure if you remember me but I wrote you a couple of months ago regarding Rat-O.  He had a tumor removed in August and it was found to be cancerous.  I am thrilled to say that he is doing just fine and has had no more growths since his surgery.  I have a question regarding overweight rats.  I just returned from the vet and my rats weighed more this time then they did a month ago (they were already too fat then).  I know that being overweight can cause health problems for rats, especially later in life.  Any suggestions on how to get my rats' weight under control?  After reading how bad the rat food mixes from petstores were I switched my rats to lab blocks (mazuri), and I mix in whole wheat and veggie pasta, banana chips, goodlife dog kibble and puffed wheat and millet (I have been doing this for about three months).  I read that all of these things are good for rats, so where am I going wrong?  I also give them grilled chicken, fresh veggies and sometimes fresh fruit.  My rats are very lazy, even when I take them out to play they end up just laying around bruxing, lol.  How can I make them more active?  And does my rat diet sound healthy to you?  Thank you Sandra!



Sorry for the delay.  I just moved down to Florida and have been super busy getting things in order.  Anyhow, yes, I do remember Rat O and I am glad to hear he is doing ok!! Thats great news!

I would cut out the banana chips unless  you tell me that they are sugar free, and if so, for sure stop using them in case there are artificial sweeteners added which are no good for rats.

Also, dont limit their food intake. Rats dont get fat due to eating too much, but instead, they become overweight from eating the wrong foods and lack of exercise.  They do have a fast metabolic rate which we make the mistake thinking that its a GOOD thing with our rats. Truth is, having a fast metabolic rate in a small mammal is cause for accelerated aging and illness hence why our rats have a short life span.  Check out my website, and go to the page on diet and also check out the GETTING STARTED page to get ideas on play time and ways to construct a fun play area for the rats that allows them to get out and exercise in a safe play area that is rat proofed.  Also, have you checked the fat and protein in the Goodlife dog food? I am not familiar with that so I cant tell  you if its right or wrong for ratties.