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Male Dumbo pus coming from male parts urgent

21 17:37:46

OK. I have been a rat mom for a number of years and this takes the cake.  My 10 month old Dumbo rat Marshmallow had a lump in his belly near his boy parts, I felt it for consistency, then it burst.  A green liquid began streaming from his penis.  I have called my exotic vet and the soonest I can be in is Wed morning on emergency basis.  This is late mon night the 10th of November.  I need to know if you think I should drive the couple hours to the all night emergency clinic.  It is cold, I am afraid of the strain on him, if this is not an emergency. Please get back to me as soon as possible, money has never been an issue for my babies, but I do worry about the stress.  The lump was about a marble b=but now it is gone, i cleaned his manly bits as best i could.

He may have an abscess internally and this bacteria can cause sepsis. I would make the drive rather than risk him dying over the next 48 hrs. HE needs oral antibiotics. Wont your vet come in for an emergency visit?  Is the ER vet your going to knowledgeable about rats?  If you put him in a cat carrier with an igloo and lots of cozy blankets to snuggle in and if he has a cagemate, bring him along for company I think he would be fine.  I take my rats 12 hour drives to southern Florida 2 times a year and they sleep the entire ride.