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my rat has bugs.

21 17:46:33

i just got my pet from a friend about a week ago.
my friend had her for about 3 months then gave her to me.
i have had 2 rats in the past and have never seen antything like this.

they are a tiny clear and brown (stomach area). they dont have wings or anything. I was wondering if they are lice?
and can i get them from her?

i know i need to take her to the vet to get it checked out for sure. i'm a hairdresser and i need to know if i have to worry about spreading it to other people.

 It definitely sounds like lice.  Rat lice are species-specific; you cannot get lice from your rat.  Lice are very easy to treat, you don't really have to take her to the vet unless she is showing any signs of lethargy or other symptoms of illness, which can be caused by a severe infestation.

 Buy a single tube of puppy / kitten Advantage or Revolution (dog and cat flea killer solutions) from your vet or the pet store.  Revolution can only be purchased if you have a doctor/patient relationship with your vet, so you'll either have to have her examined or if you've had another pet in to the vet before they should be able to sell it to you.  Advantage is available over the counter at most vet hospitals and I believe some pet stores as well.  Ask them for a 1cc syringe with no needle when you buy it, as it will help with the dosing.  Open the tube and use the syringe to draw up 0.1cc and apply it to the skin at the back of her neck.  This should kill all the lice on her in around 24 hours.  You'll have to do a second application in 2 weeks to get any new lice that may have hatched from eggs.  It's a good idea to do a third application 2 weeks after that as well, just in case.  Clean the cage really well during this time, making sure all toys in the cage are cleaned too.  This should take care of the problem easily.

 Lice can come from other rats and sometimes come in on the bedding, so it is a good idea to freeze bedding to be used for 24-72 hours before use and always make sure you wash your hands after being in a pet store or a place with other rats.

 Hope this helps, good luck!