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I have a silly question! and a backstory to it!

21 17:30:01

I will tell you the backstory quick because I'm sure it will amuse you!

I was at the local pet shop a few days ago helping my little sister pick out a rat, the lady helping us showed us a rat with no tail, i was amazed by this and kept asking her tons of questions about it. She must have realized i really liked rats that were special and had some type of disability so she went over to a feeder bin and pulled out a rat that only had three legs. I instantly fell in love with her! I asked to hold her, and while after holding her a lady came in and bought rats from that same bin. I took this as a sign that I needed to buy her...because she was far to sweet and cute to be eaten.

anyway, now for the question. I was laying on the couch with the rattie and she was cuddling under my cheek and shoulder. Now here is the weird part, out of all six rats we've had (5 still alive, one has passed =[) they have never done this. She kept licking..and almost cleaning my lips! she didnt just do it a few times, this was many many times over the course of two hours. She also kept putting her head in my mouth...the whole way in there and was sniffing around and i think..licking my teeth!! i let her do what she wanted and just let her lick my lips and all but this really confused me. i thought it was silly and am just wondering why this was happening?

Thats sweet you took her home with you.  I have a rat with one eye and another that is totally blind. I always go for the underdog!

What your rat is doing has been nicknamed "Rodentistry"  as funny as it sounds.  Some people let their rats do this, but to be honest, its not good.....not because its not good for YOU but rather, not good for the rat.  You have lots of germs in your mouth that could potentially be harmful to her.  I would not let her do that anymore, as funny as it may seem.  

Rats can be silly!
Look at this utube with a kid letting his rat put his head in his mouth.  I think its......gross!   LOL