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Pet Rats!

21 17:57:04

I am just about to get another rat to be friends with my little girl rat cause I hear they are social or somthing? Anyways, the rat I am going to get has been preganant twice. Does that effect anything? <:S ? Talk to you later. bye.

Hi Livvy

Yes rats are very social animals and do not like to live alone. They prefer the company of their own species to cuddle with and play with.
As for the rat being pregnant twice...where are you getting this rat from? A breeder or rescue?
Being pregnant will pose no problem to your existing rat but you cannot simply just put the two together. The new rat should first be quarantined in another air space for 3 weeks to prevent transfer of certain viruses that rats carry to each other. They do not have to look sick to have it and it can take up to 3 weeks to show up which is why its necessary to quarantine that long.  Once quarantine is up,you need to introduce the two rats in a neutral zone and let them get to know each other and play together a few times before letting the new rat in the other rats cage.
I would also make sure there is no way the rat that has had two litters is pregnant again. For starters, its not safe to let a female have three litters as far as health reasons go, and also, you sure don't want to be stuck with tons of babies you will have to find homes for.  

Read more about proper quarantine and rat care info here:

Hope this helps!