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rat sex

21 17:35:28

i currently have two supposidly female rats but have latley noticed that one of them is humping the other and i am wondering if i may of gotten a male and female instead of two females. if you could help that would be great because the rat that is being humped is sleeping more often and i need to know if shes pregnant so i can get a cage for the other to seperate them when she gives birth.
thank you, Sydney


Its pretty easy to see if its a boy. There would be testicles. the female has nipples and the male doesnt. Check for nipples.

The humping in same sex is simply dominance.

The only way to tell if the rat is pregnant is to note any weight gain which usually doesnt occur until the final week of pregnancy, usually gestation is 21 days. She will nest like crazy and her nipples will lose fur around them to prepare for the pups to suckle.  Please check the other rat for nipples though.