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four pet rats, cage is always very smelly

21 17:47:23

we baught a ferret cage for our four rats because of the space it provides...the shelving is plastic and holding smell in between cleanings, every three days I clean it.  What is a safe cleaning agent for the plastic shelving to remove smell?  This can be a home made agent, or store bought.  I just dont want to hurt them.

 Hi there!  Most pet rat owners use a vinegar diluted with water solution just to be safe, but you can pretty much use anything as long as you rinse it well afterwards.  The good thing with the vinegar water is that you can put it in a spritz bottle and then just spray and wipe clean with a damp cloth.

 Another idea would be to make polar fleece or flannel liners for the shelves, attaching them with stick-on velcro.  You can make 7 sets of liners and change them out every day, only having to do laundry for the cage once per week.  The material will absorb most of the pee and lessen the smell, plus it is soft on their feet.

 Hope that helps, good luck with your rats!

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