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im so worried about my rat

21 17:23:35

Heya im so sorry to bother you but i am a first time rat owner and i have read up on a website about rats that they can eat pasta  because i wanted to give him a treat.but the problem is i have just seen is that its not whole grain its just normal white pasta from asda. im realy worried that hes going to get ill is he going to get sick or will h be ok?.also he looks like hes got blood around his nose but i read one of your posts saying its not blood. i was just wondering will the sneezing stop and the jumping? i know i might sound really silly right now but im just really worried please write back xxx

Hi Kirsty

The pasta wont make him sick, dont worry.

I think you will feel better if you read my website, Critter city.  Start on the page about the red discharge from the nose and eyes that looks like blood, next, read up on diets and food they can and cannot have.  The jumping your asking about, I am not sure what you mean, but if he is a baby, he will continue to jump, hop, leap and fly around like a maniac until he gets bigger.  Enjoy it. he is having fun!

Here is the URL to my site.  I suggest all new rat owners read it.