Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > too much sneezing?

too much sneezing?

21 17:27:30

I just got a pair of female rats about a week ago. They've been relatively sneezey rats since we first got them, usually sneezing every so often, more when we took them out, but today I noticed one of them sneeze many times in a row and when I came over to look at her I noticed some reddish fluid around her nose. They have both still been eating all their food but if they might be sick I want to catch it fast.

Hope you can help.

The red you see is called Porphyrin discharge and you can read about it here:

Often new rats do sneeze when they are getting used to their surroundings.  What type of bedding/litter do you use? Are they in a cage or tank?