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Inner ear? (my rat)

21 17:28:44

I found my rat(Ratty)1 yr ago. He just started to walk off balance and his head leans to the right side somewhat. He is not eating much of his food ,but he eats the treats I give him. He is not drinking much water either. He is just not himself.I gave him half of 0.1ml.of Clindamycin last evening. Should I give him another dose tonight? Should I take him to the vet or give the meds a chance to work. Please let me know what you think is best for him. Thank You, Michele

He needs a vet and different medication.  He needs something for the inflammation of the vestibular-cochlear nerve which is why his equilibrium is off kilter.  

 Clindamycin is not the best drug to use for an ear infection so a change needs to be made there too. Do you have a vet who is exotic specialized?