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Pet Rat Not Eating

21 17:58:27

My pet rat cookie has started to refuse her food, well in the sense that she will quite happily take the treat off you but then just puts it down.  I have tried several times to give her a treat and even tried her own food but she takes it out of my hand and puts it on the first available space, which is very unlike cookie as she would normally go an hide it from the other three or eat it straight away as she is very possessive with her food.  I can see no other symptons with her, but this is very strange.  I have been at work all day so my husband has tried as well and she has done the same thing with him.


Hi Jennie

First things first: Has Cookie been sick recently? That is my first question which I will assume no since you probably would have mentioned that in your post.
Isn't it frustrating when our furry friends make us worry?
Sometimes is nothing at all and bothers us more than it bothers her!!

I notice you have offered her treats. Have you offered her something that you are sure she would NEVER pass on?

I would try that and see if she still refuses. If thats the case, we have something to go with.

Anorexia is a symptom of numerous things that its difficult to pinpoint when there are no other symptoms unless a physical exam is done.

I suspect it could be her teeth if she isn't showing any other signs of illness.  Has she had any excessive porphyrin production (the so called "red tears" or "bloody discharge" that the novice rat owner may mistake it to be at first)
I usually don't give porphyrin much thought when it occurs when they first wake up from their all day nocturnal slumber, but when they have it caked around their nostrils and eyes, thats a sure sign of stress from illness, injury, change in their surroundings, absence of an old cage mate or presence of a new one...again, many factors that can case stress which in turn can push porph production into over drive. Since rats are so hard for us to be able to tell when they are sick since they hide illness so well...we are lucky that mother nature gave us the harderian gland (the excretory gland that is responsible for porphryin production in the first place) because it gives us a red flag something may be wrong.
Is Cookie drinking ok?
Grooming herself and her cagemates?
No congestion at all in her chest or nasal passages?
Nothing out of the ordinary that you may have noticed such as sleeping in an area that normally she would not sleep in, possibly seeking a higher level in the cage that she usually never goes to, perhaps laying with  her head hanging over a balcony or on top of a hidey house or igloo?
I have studied rat behavior for a long time now and realize that we have to learn to read our rats by their actions since they are so good at hiding illness. If we see outward signs of illness such as lethargy, congestion, lack of interest in just about anything the rat usually enjoys, excessive thirst, frequent urination, wheezing, tilting of the head, walking in circles, hunched posture and their coat seems puffy and fuller than usual

If you answer no to all of the above questions , it may be  just one of those things that she just doesn't feel like eating. I would say if this continues more than 48 hours, to schedule an appointment with a vet experienced with working with rats.

I wish I had more information. Its hard to pinpoint what can be wrong since like I said, anorexia could be a symptom of so many things, or could simply be a little set back she is having for a few days for no real good reason...perhaps just enough to make us worried to pieces!!!

PLEASE! Keep me posted and thanks for caring enough for your furry friends to contact me!
