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Hickory Nuts

21 17:20:17

I have a hickory tree which is pelting my home with hundreds of hickory nuts. There's a thick green outer later then another brown layer that breaks off when the nut falls which leaves a very hard whitish layer before the meat of the nut is exposed. I have rats as pets (or they have me!) and I was wondering if these hickory nuts, after being frozen for at least 3 days, would be safe for my rats?  
Thank you in advance for your help.


Hi Janet

No, not a really good idea.

They are too high in protein and fats and are not the most edible nut.  larvae also love this nut and burrow into the meat. It would be a bad idea if our rats ate these as well.

As I said, they are not the most tasty nut, often bitter.

Its best to avoid most nuts since they are so full of fats etc...