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large tumor old ratty

21 17:34:20

Hi sandra
Your story of your holly rat really touched me becuase i have a similar
I have written to you mutiple times about my old lady rat sisa who first had
bleeding then baytril ulcer and then tumour.

She is a feisty old lady coming up three years old in feburary. She has a large
tumor in her uterus i believe, it seems to grow away from the her body under
her left hind leg.  

I decided to not spay her as she had been going through some strange
behavoirs disorientated, not drinking from her water bottle ect. My vet said
she wasn't a good candidate for surgery she has/had respitory issues (being
dealt with with thyophiline now ) anyways she has gotten alot better now. IF
she didn't have the tumour you wouldn't know she there was anything wrong
with her or that she was this old.

anyways my question is in your opinion does lupron only supress new tumors
or can it stop the growth of this one, Is thier a drug that can stop the growth
of a tumor?

My vet has said it can only stop the growth of new ones.

Now does lupron stops all estrogen production? does stopping all estrogen
cause other problems?

She is on thyophiline and clavamax right now. When i take her off the
clavamax she gets a pusish discharge vaginally when she's on it nothing, But
is there something better or cheaper then clavamax i can use?

Its been a hard choice to not to surgery but she has lived almost 7 months
after this all began. i think i may do surgery as a last resort becuase she's
such a fighter maybe she could make it. But I mean this is a large tumor now
and she still climbs up her little ladder into her hanging hammock. Your holly
sounds just like my sisa except sisa isn't skinny or frail, but she does seem to
have some nerve problems her little feet twitch and shake slightly. i fear the
tumor is troubling  some nerves.

sorry  if this is too long.

thanks for any help or advice u can give me

Hi Jessica

I am sorry your rat isnt doing well. I hope I can help some.

Lupron: As far as lupron stopping the growth of the mammary tumors, it has successfully done so in stopping or slowing down growth of existing tumors and while on lupron the rats did not seem to produce new ones. HOwever, it is for benign tumors and not malignant tumors. That is where tamoxifen comes in, which is for malignant tumors.  Both drugs are hormones that stop estrogen production which is what fuels the growth of these tumors.  After the rats estrus cycle halts, around 18 months and older, the estrogen levels sky rocket which signals the growth of these tumors and why it is that our older rats get them more than younger rats, although they are not exempt from them either, but are not as likely to get them if they are still going into heat.   Males get them too, but the good news is usually they get one or two and once they are removed, they do not grow back, esp if they are benign.
The lupron is given via injection once per month and tamoxifen is used orally.

As for the meds your rat takes....if they help, I would keep her on them for the rest of her life. I would not change a thing if they working, although you may see if the vet wants try amoxil rather than clavamox, but if it doesnt work, I would go right back to the clavamox again.