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funny breathing

21 17:57:32

my rat baccardi has been making really strange noises it sounds like she is struggling to breathe, she is still eating and drinking but she sounds really breathless, she is 1 and a half. i have tried even warming her up with a warm bottle in her nest as she does not move much

Hi Steff

It sounds like Baccardi is suffering from a respiratory infection.  Is she extending her neck out like she is stretching her neck? Sometimes rats will do this to try to gain more oxygen. It sounds like she needs to see a vet and right away. If you need me to help find a vet that treats rats, please let me know what city and state you live in and also if you do not live in a big city, I will need to know the name of the nearest city you live by in your area.

Please let me know through a follow up. When rats start to let people know they are sick like Baccardi has let you know, that means she is really sick and can get worse very fast. Rats hide illness very good, which is part of their natural instinct since they are on the bottom of the food chain and are prey to just about every predator out there. They cannot show they are weak from illness or they may fall victim to a predator much sooner than they normally would.

