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End of rats tail turned black

21 17:29:15


Rats tail
We have 2 rats and the end of the one's tail has turned black. I have read the advise to similar questions and I do think it is just crispy and will hopefully just drop off. My concern is if the other rat tries to nibble etc, I am wondering if it may be worth temporarily separating the two until the tail heals, however they are very attached to each other and seem 'lost' if we take one out of the cage the other seems to 'sulk' I would prefer not to separate for this reason however they do play and I am concerned that the tail may get caught. Would appreciate advise, it is just the tip of the tail at the moment however I am concerned that this may spread, also could this be contagious to the other rat?
Any advise would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

No need to stress the rats out by separating them.  Your rat injured his or her tail (you never specified their sex) perhaps getting it caught in something etc...and what your seeing is necrotic tissue. It will fall off eventually.  If the other rat nibbles it, dont the wild there are worse things they so this isnt anything worse than that.

You can rub the tip with neosporin just to moisten it and prevent infection but it wont make the end healthy again. Once it loses blood supply, it dies, which is what your seeing now.

Hope this helps.