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My Rats Making me Itch

21 17:30:23

I asked another expert about this subject but I need to ask a follow up question.  She feels that I may have developed an allergy to my rats however, my husband is starting to itch too. Is it possible that we could both suddenly come up with the same allergy at the same time?

Its possible, especially if you  and he both suffer from other allergies as well.  Where are you itching at? Do you have a rash? Do you itch after holding them?  Sneeze? Watery eyes?

What expert did you consult with?  You can ask me of course but if you want to ask her something else you were already discussing you can just ask her another question about the same subject just as long as you remind us what the topic was.  I get alot of questions every day and when someone is told they have used all their follow up questions, they just start again and remind me that they were the ones talking about such and such.  

Any of us can be contacted of course, so I will answer you on this.  My doctor insisted I was allergic to my rats and did a test and it was negative.  I have chronic bronchitis and do not smoke so she insisted it was my rats.  I knew otherwise though!