Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > My rat is scratching to much

My rat is scratching to much

21 17:55:04

QUESTION: My rat has been scratching alot, and has a scab where he scratches, what can I do besides bring him to the vet?

ANSWER: Well we need to find out why he is scratching.  If you read back on other messages you will see that every few questions I am asked are usually about this very thing: Itchy rats that are scabby.

I have a few things to ask first so I know what may be wrong.
First of all, examine his skin very well and look for little critters that may be moving around on his skin. Examine his litter too. If he has parasites, they live in the litter and use the rat for feeding only.  
What kind of litter do you use?
Where are the scabs? His neck, back, shoulders and face and chin?
It can also be protein allergies due to his diet. What type of food do you use? If you use seed mixes from pet stores this can very well contribute to a diet that is way over the top in protein and rats are super sensitive to protein and often develop problems with itchy skin. With itchy skin comes scabs.

Please write back in a follow up and let me know so I can go from there.

Happy New year!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I checked his skin and I didnt find any critters, his scab is on his neck area on his left side. He does not use any litter only bedding, I give him kaytee treats every once and awhile, and right now I dont know what brand of food I give him because I through out the bag that his food was in and its snowing where I live and I cant get to the pet store, but as soon as I find out what kind of food I feed him then Ill fill you in.

For now you can give him some veggies in a can such as green beans, green peas, corn (a little corn is fine) even some hard uncooked macaroni is ok for now.  In a pinch when things like this happen such as a snow storm (I am jealous...we never get snow here in Charlotte NC unless its a fluke and it melts the next day:( you can also hard boil an egg and watch him have fun trying to eat it!! I would refrain from cheese and cheese products for now too till we figure this out but it does sound like its food allergies, possibly too much protein in the diet.
If you have breakfast cereals around the house that are sugar free or low sugar like rice chex, cheerios, puffed rich or puffed wheat, total cereal or even corn flakes in a pinch, you can offer him those as well. Dried oatmeal flakes are a hit too. Apple slices are ok as well as strawberries citrus though...esp for males.

Hope this holds you over till you get to the pet store...I would hold off on his food if you can though till we know what kind it is. ALso if you have neosporin ointment or something like it at home, you can apply a bit of that to the scabs, rubbing it in very well. It wont hurt if he licks it off.  Keep warm and safe and Happy New year!