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male vs female

21 17:55:03

I was wondering if there is a difference in smell bettween male and female rats

Hi Sven

The culprit for stinky urine when concerning rats, would not  really  be about the sex of the rat but more related to the type of litter being used in the cage and how often it is cleaned etc...
Male rats that are intact may leave traces of urine because they are "marking" their territory. Unpleasant as it may be for some, nothing that a nearby box of baby wipes cant take care of and no extra odor is involved.
Male mice, on the other hand, are known for their unusually strong  smell forcing the keeper to change his cage sometimes twice a week or more, but this doesnt pertain to rats.   So to answer you plain and simple, both male and female rats carry the same scent for the most part, with males being a bit more messy about it unless they are neutered.  Neutering helps decrease the urge to mark their territory.

Hope this helps!