Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Paranoid about porphyrin?

Paranoid about porphyrin?

21 17:24:40

QUESTION: I became the proud owner of 2 male rats about 3 weeks ago from PetSmart. My fancy rat is Templeton, and Cecil is a dumbo. My family and I love them to itty-bitty pieces. Now, a little before I got my boys, I lost the only other pet I've ever had. (An African Dwarf Frog that I spoiled rotten. 5 gal. tank to himself!)

Needless to say, I am watching their health vigorously. Templeton has made "sneezing"-like noises, but has no trouble breathing and is spastic. Cecil is much more the relaxed guy. (Likes to sleep on the igloo or run in the wheel.) Today, I noticed that both of them have some porphyrin looking spots. Templeton has it on his nose and a little fleck by his eye, and Cecil's is only near one eye. I thought Templeton had it before, but my fiancee said I was being paranoid. Well, now they've both got it and I'm FREAKING out. I love them, and can't bear to lose another "baby".

They are played with by multiple people, have lots of energy, try to escape and get into everything. They are both eating, drinking, and playing as they have since I got them. They were even grooming each other today. :) But, Templeton also "sneezed" since then. (Everyone else thinks it's a weird squeak-noise because it's sporadic.)

Have they been sick this whole time? What do I do? I am taking them to college with me in 2 days. Houston is a little over an hour from my campus, and if it'll help them, I'll go. I'm to the point of doing anything, it's just cost and having NO CLUE who to see holding me back. Please, please help.

--Worried New Rattie Owner in Texas


Check out my link above about porphyrin. I think it may help you feel better about what is going on. Also, check out the page on myco. The key to recovering from myco is to attack it head on before it gets ahead of you.  

Let me know if the webpages help you better understand and if you have more questions dont hesitate to ask.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Actually, those are the two pages that I found this site through to ask my question. :)

My biggest concern is being able to catch the myco early. These are my first rats, and only my second pet ever. I want to do everything I can to be able to make sure they're healthy, happy, and safe.

How do I know if/when they get it? What are the early signs? What can I do to prevent it? Who's a good exotic or rat vet in the Houston, Tx area?

I know I'm probably over worried, but I love my boys. I only want the best for them.

Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists
1111 West Loop South Suite 110
Houston TX 77027
Phone:  713-693-1133

Best place to take your rat is to the place above.  As for early signs of myco, its usually sneezing with audible congestion usually nasal. The best way to prevent it is like my website said, to keep the cage super clean in which I suggest litter training and using aspen for the litter and also having a vet that knows how to treat myco. The normal treatment is 30 days on antibiotics that are made to kill an organism that lacks a cell wall such as baytril along with doxycycline to help add an extra kick to the baytril. 30 days on it with some experts saying up to 6 weeks. If they get sick again with another respiratory infection, they should be treated again and after they get better, they should be kept on baytril for the rest of the rats life being kept on a high end dose of baytril once per day.  They are born with this organism but not all rats show signs of illness during their life. Sometimes it takes a weaker immune system for them to fall ill and show signs of infection but other times they never have any problems. No rat is safe from it, not even the rats from the best breeder. However, the more well bred rat that is bred for good health has a stronger immune system and is less likely to fall ill like pet store rats are.
Over crowding the cage with too many rats and of course keeping the rats in a tank where there is no air circulation also makes myco more likely to strike their respiratory track.