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Old Rattie

21 17:53:34

Hi Sandra,

My name is Heidi and I am an adult who recently fell in love with these charming pets!  I have an female rat, Reilley who is such a sweetheart, 2 years 7 months old.  She shares her spacious home with another female, who is 2 years 8 months old.  I am quite proud of their ages!!  Reilley has had three surgeries in this order: tumor; spay; tumor.  Since her last operation she has developed another tumor on her side that is quite large and most likely cancer, which was said by my vet, because of the hardness and lumpiness of it.  One day when I came home from work I was shocked to find blood all over their bedding and shelves.  It wasn't pure blood, but more of a bloody liquid.  My heart pounded as I checked both ratties out nose to tail.  It was coming from underneath Reilley's tumor.  Since then, the area has continued to "weep" and stain her bedding.  It is bright red and squishy looking.  She is happy, eating, and drinking, and getting along quite well considering her age and the weight of her tumors. I use carefresh bedding and old clothing for their bedding - everything is ultra soft and comfy.

Here's my question:  What is that spot and how can I help her?  I have pictures if you would like to see what it looks like I would email one to you.

Thank you for your help.


Hi Heidi

Good job on keeping them going for this long. I have had rats reach nearly 4 years old (she passed this July) and even had surgery on her when she was over 3 and she did well.
Have you considered one more surgery to remove this one? I will tell you why in a second...but first, if you can email me that photo to I would like to see it.
It may have abscessed and thats a huge problem if it did because it could enter her blood stream. I would have her in to the vet ASAP for him to have a look and possibly remove this one as well.

There are two treatments you can do that are non ivasive. One is the use of tamoxifen. Its a form of "rat chemotherapy" and is given orally in a liquid and used in cases where the mammary tumors are cancerous. The second is Lupron, which is also a hormone that stops the production of estrogen, which is what is causing the tumors in the first place.

Was she spayed to prevent more tumors or was she spayed for other reasons?

If she was spayed to prevent tumor growth, at her age, sadly, it doesnt work that well once the ball is rolling. In order to prevent tumor growth in females they need to be spayed young, around 3 to 4 months old, and chances of developing mammary tumors or pituatry tumors in the future are dropped over 80% which is great in my opinion.

I dont know the reason for the spay of course but just thought I would share.

Anyhow, please send me the photos if you dont mind.
Its cute how you said your an adult that fell in love with rats. Trust me, your not alone! My rat forum (message board) is for adults only and our members are my age (I am 44) and older, some 20 year olds too (we dont allow under 18 in the forum for legal reasons so we can cuss and stuff! LOL!!!) so you are not alone in being an adult in love with rats. I got hooked when I bought my son two rats many moons ago and I sat and observed them and it hit me at that moment that I knew my destiny was to become first obsessed with rats and second was to work with them on a professional level. So here I am, 42 rats later and alot older and much the wiser too.

THanks for such an awesome job caring for your babies. They are the best little pets!