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Black Scab under her eye...

21 17:36:30

Luna is a white rat whose almost 1. She's been making alot more noise lately and has just been staying in her house most of the time. She lives with another female and normally they are just as active but it's just been different lately. She's been slow, the looks like a zombies. He eyes just aren't open all the time, only if i pick her up. Tho the other one is just as active as always.

I have a feeling they've been fighting but I can't be sure about it.
Today I found a black scab under her eye, I thought maybe she rolled in something but I smelt the cage and it smelled like puss. When I took her out and smelled again it wasn't the cage, it came from the wound.

I'm hopeing it's not life treatening but I don't what to do.

I live in holland and here the vets close at 5 on friday and on the weekends they're not open, and I didn't see it until after 5.
I'm worried it might hurt her before I can take her to the vet.

I seperated her from the other rat just in case, because I saw the otherone licking her wound. Could that hurt the other one?

I saw on the other blogs your answers to other questions, one about picking the scab. I wanna try it in the hopes that it helps but I'm not exactly sure what to do. I'm afraid if I pick it i'll hurt her.

Is there a way to make it soft and slowly take it off?
And say she's active when you hold her, is there a way to calm her?  


Yep, she has an abscess.  It probably has drained already if you smell the pus. Its infection your smelling.  I dont like it close to her eye like that..

What you can do is hold a warm compress on it best you can and just talk to her and pet her. This may help soften it up. Also, dab it with some warm saline solution too and it will get it clean. I need to know where it is located though before I tell you to put antibiotic ointment on it.
I know you said under the eye but how far under?
Its not life threatening so dont worry about that, but it does need to drain, which it will, and it will need to be cleaned out well once it does drain.