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socializing pet rats

21 17:29:59

hi i got a pair of adorable baby rats on thursday the 20th and i was
wondering how you socialized your rats. to socialize i put the cage in my
bathroom the most rat proofed room in my house and open the door and
read while i wait for the rats to venture out. i decorate the bathroom with
boxes oatmeal containers toilet paper tubes and tissue boxes some with
treats like apples grapes blueberries uncooked pasta whole wheat crackers
and celery (although they do not seem to like this one) the first time i did it
the braver one powder came out on to the open door of the cage but decided
to go back in. i have only tried this 3 times but most times the rats just fall
asleep i try to play later like today i was in there at 9:15 to 10:15 but the
slept or kept in there igloo the whole time. i will keep trying this as to not
pressure the rats to play but was wondering for a second opinion on how to
socialize rats. when i clean there cage i will pick them up and i know they are
easy to grab because when i first got them they did not resist to be picked up  
and in my arms they were not fidgety but calm just nudging into the crevice
in my elbow or crawling on my shoulders i dont know if this will help but
powder a albino the bigger of the 2 and i believe dominant and doris a black
and white hooded that was the runt of her litter and is shyer and often
freezes up if i come near.

If they're not so hard to pick up and have no history of fear biting, I'd just pick them up and make them hang out with you while you watch television or do household chores. I usually have my babies sit in my pockets while I do the dishes; sometimes on my shoulder during phone calls. Other than that, keep doing what you're doing. =)