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Can you help?

21 17:49:03

Hi, we have 2 female rats who have been together since birth, They are roughly just over 1 year old. A few weeks ago one of the rats wasn't moving very well and had red discharge from her eyes and nose, no wheezing though. When we realised she was not moving correctly we took her to the vet. She was just moving around in cicles and very unsteady on her feet. The vet gave her a fluid injection and an injection of steriods, along with a course of Baytril, which we gave to her twice a day with a syringe. She picked up and everything seemed fine. However, she seems to be getting ill again as she is very unsteady on her feet again, but she no longer has the discharge from her nose or eyes. Have you any idea what is wrong with her?
She still eats and drinks. Do you think she will get better or will it be a constant battle to keep her well? Sorry for all the questions just really worried.

Hi Alan

Sounds like she has Otitis media, which means inner to middle ear infection.  The pressure from the fluids in the ear are causing inflammation on her 8th cranial nerve and this in turn affects her equilibrium which throws her off balance.  The steroids and baytril helped but the problem is, was she on the medication long enough?
She should have been on the baytril at least a full 30 days and the steroids should be given by mouth for at least a week, and weaning her off of them again, just like humans do.  It sounds like she started to get better but it came back again.  
Is she using her front paws or has she stopped? DOes she seem to be weak in the front paws?

Also, the red discharge is called porphyrin.  It is produced by a gland called the harderian gland. This gland normally produces secretions to lubricate the rats third eyelid but when a rat is stressed from illness, they produce excessive amounts of this red mucus that secretes from the eyes and nose. Some rats tend to have trace amounts around their nose all the time (one of mine does all the time and is not sick) but excessive amounts are a sign something is wrong.
The good news is she is eating and drinking. THis is important that she does this.  Is she tilting her head to the left or right?  This is also classic signs of inner ear infection.

I had an inner ear infection many years back and I remember I could not even stand up, I was so dizzy.  This is how she feels and she doesnt know how to deal with the dizziness so the rat will lose their balance.  You need to call the vet and get her back on the medications and this time suggest she stay on them longer, unless you tell me that she was on them for 30 days. Let me know and dont worry....she will pull through this if it is just an ear infection which it sounds exactly like it is.

hope this helps
