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Nasty tail, coming off?

21 17:27:08

I've been trying to find some information on rat tails, but I'm not seeming to find anything that relates to my rat. Last night I cleaned him will puppy soap and cups of gentle warm water. When I turned to his tail I noticed it had finally gotten gross from him not cleaning it and walking through his waste (I suppose). Certain spots on his tail were enlarged and scaley. They came off easily and revealed pink skin that matched the clean portions of the tail. It seemed to cause him a little discomfort, but nothing that he started licking me (his way of saying "stop what you're doing" he doesnt bite...ever). My question is, is that normal? There was no redness, no blood, his tail is now smooth and even and its natural shade of light pink.

Are rat's tails suppose to do that? I have a friend who said they read it in a book somewhere, but all the web pages seem to adress any activity of the skin on the tail as a terrible thing.

P.S. no his tail has not experienced trauma (I've never pulled on it, tried to pick him up by it, its never gotten caught in anything that I know of) I noticed that was the first question alot of sites asked the rat owners so I thougth I'd include it


I know what you mean and yes, it may have bothered him a bit by cleaning it and in general, they dont like you messing with their tail, so next time, just work at it a little bit at a time so it doesnt bother him.   Its good to keep it clean if it collects crunchy creepy stuff on it, but dont worry too much if it gets darker in color from dirt.  The rats tail regulates their body temp and if they drag it through soft foods or soft pooh and it collects on the tail it is good to remove it but just do it slowly.

Its a big thing when the rat is degloved and the tail covering splits from the bone of the tail itself. This is when it can cause trauma and severe infection.  That is obviously not what happened to your rattie though.  I am sure he will be just fine.