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My rat cant move her head or arms! ):

21 17:11:05

I have had my fancy rat for over 2 years now and I've never brought her to the vet... When I first got her, I did not know that rats had many health problems. =\ I know that she needed to go to the vet, but I am 15 years old, and I don't have any money for it... My family can't afford to go to the vet. I already knew that she has had respiratory disease because she sneezes a LOT and she has the red colored fluids around her eyes and nose... I let her play with her other rat sister [the sister has a huge tumour.. ):] for a couple of days because I was busy with school. She was very hyperactive back then. She'd always want to get out of her cage and explore the floor of my room.. Then when I went to check on her a couple days later, she just stopped moving... And she's extremely skinny.. She cuffs her hands together and she lays the side of her head on the ground. Her spine is completely crooked and hunched and I don't know how to fix her [I know I can't..]. =[ I asked my parents to bring her to the vet but they don't have any extra money for it. So, all I could do was sit and watch her.. I tried to get her to walk, but she pushes her hind legs and drags her arms and face on the floor. She keeps her eyes WIDE open as she just lies there... She only tries to walk when I hold her head and arms up, but when I gently lay her head back down, she stops moving! Her tail is really soft too. And most of the time, she doesn't even move at all.. She has rapid breathing also. I listened her to heart beat and it sounds really fast.. I can see that she's using her muscles to help her breath too. I don't think she has been eating lately because she can't even bite. I tried to hand feed her soft foods, like bananas but she'd always eat it and spit it out. Then she would start grinding her teeth. She won't even open her mouth when I try to give her some water from my finger. I know she's very stressed and depressed and hurt.. =[ But I can't do anything about it.. I just wanted to know what was wrong with her? Is there a specific disease she has? I feel like a horrible rat owner, but I just didn't know that she'd get THIS sick... I am never getting rats ever again. ): I don't want to hurt another rat. Please help. ): I want her to die happy... =[

I am so sorry that this has happened.  Please take and put her to sleep and do not let her suffer like this.  Please.  I am glad you are mature enough  to not want to get any more rats at this time.  Your great with them, but maybe once your older and have your own job and are financially independent that you can provide medical care for them.  You can even get health insurance for them when you get them.   Its best not to own any pet if you cant afford medical care.   I would ask grandparents or friends to borrow money to put your rat to sleep as its not fair to let her suffer.