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Sudden shy alpha-rat

21 17:11:05


All my Rats.
Hello Sandra,

I have four male rats. Two of them are one year old (Schmie & Taboo), the other two about three weeks younger (Fidel & Rambo). We had Rambo 'fixed' three months ago when he bruttaly started to challenge Schmie for the leadership. Ever since then, everything has been going great and Schmie was a happy leader once again. Taboo never cared about the leadership. Fidel, (what's in a name)is kind of a sneaky rat. He likes to nip at or bite the other rats occasionally, not hard, just to anoy them. When they retaliate, he runs away or immediately lies on his back in submission. He has been getting a little more cocky the past few weeks though.
Untill about 5 days ago, we noticed Schmie was easier startled and hesitating to come to us. We thought he just had a fight or something and we didn't worry that much. The past few days haven't really ment any difference. Sometimes it even looks like he is a bit scared of me. I am his master, and he seems to show more of this behavior around me, not so much around my girlfriend.
It is bassicly "Rat Heaven" here, when one of us is in the living room, the cage is nearly always open and they can wander around. The cage is big enough for 8 rats and has plenty of hammocks, sleeping places, fresh water,... We give them treats, play with them, we just ADORE them.
I didn't change at all towards him or anyone the past few days. Didn't step on his tail, didn't hurt him or whatever. The only thing I do, and have always been doing, is sometimes call him back when he is too agressive towards the other rats (mainly Fidel). But I do that with the others as well. I always had a great relationship with him, love him so much and never did him any harm.
I really don't know what is wrong, he doesn't always act like this, but enough to worry me.
The only change that seems to coincide with the change is a treatment with Stronghold for pupps about a week ago. It was advised  by the vet, and I triple-checked the type and doses. All the rats got it and they never even noticed anything. Untill the next day, which I explained.
I hope you can help, I scoured the web for advice, but haven't fount anything.
I thank you in advance, and I beg your pardon for my english, I am from Belgium so...

Best regards, Peter and Lindsay.

PS: On the picture, from left to right; Fidel, Rambo, Taboo, Scmie. (they al look the same now, just a bit bigger)


Rats are cute, I love the photo!

What is stronghold, btw?

What you need to do is have a one on one with the rat in question.

Spend some alone time with him in a room away from the other rats a few days during playtime.

Also refer to my website, and read over the page on trust training. Let me know what you think.