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too high Baytril dose?

21 17:11:11

I don't know if you remember a while back i wrote you about and sent you pictures of my rat Flurry (my Blue Mismarked Bareback) who has a sort of deformation on the left side of his face, kind of looking like he's smilling on that side. I would've liked to have gotten an x-ray and sent you a picture of it, but where it would cost me over 100$ for the x-ray, yesterday the vet first looked in his mouth to see if he could determine anything that way, like prehaps a bad mollar.
He looked in Flurry's mouth with a hard plastic tip, and saw a growth on the left side. With Flurry fighting, the plastic tip punctured the growth, and lots of blood came out of his mouth and left nostril. The vet swabbed the growth with a q-tip and got a tiny bit of puss. Flurry was so exhausted and traumatized, i thought he was going into shock. I was crying, though i know this had to be done. The vet said the blood looked worse than it really was. Then he said it felt like the lump on that side of Flurry's face had gone down a bit. I am hopefull.
I had another rat in at the same time for an abcess under his chin. The vet extracted the puss with a seringe. I would've thought it had to be left open to drain.
He put both rats on Baytril to try to clear the growth and the abcess. It's 10% Baytril, and the dose i am to give each of them is .4cc BID. They're both just under a pound. But this seems like a high dose, especially compare to what i give them for Myco. I called him to double check, and he said it was right. But i'd like your opinion. Does that make sence. Is this higher dose needed to clear the growth and the abcess?
When i brought Flurry home yesterday, for the rest of the evening he seemed very uncomfortable and lethargic, just laying at the bottom of the cage and flopping around to find a comfortable position. Then i noticed the right side between his nose and mouth was very swollen. Maybe the vet just pressed to hard there while detaining him. I gave him Ibuprofen for the swelling and any pain. He was interested in food, which i thought was a great sign. I held him for a bit while watching tv, and after half an hour he did start moving around and wanting to explore.
The swelling above his mouth had gone down today. His left eye is still squinting and twitchy as usual, but maybe it will take a while for the growth to heal and his face to return to normal. But i just find it weird if this growth is all it was in the whole year i've had him. It would have to be a very slow-growing growth. And his face was like that when he was a baby, though it had seemed to have been getting slighty bigger. And i don't know how likely it would be that just poking a hole in his mouth and giving him antibiotics would completely heal it. (He has been on antibiotics before for respiratory illness) Might there be an underlying problem? I know an x-ray would help. Maybe a defective nerve caused this growth. Or maybe this growth pushed on a nerve. Could a growth be all the problem was since he was a baby till now?
I hope the vet is right. He is experienced. But i was just concerned about the Baytril dosage. Hence this very long story. :)  I value your opinion. Thank you so much for your time.

How much do they  weigh?

It does sound right.he is high end dosing..without going back to read this again, are you giving it once or twice a day?  To be honest, baytril isnt the best drug to use for an if you dont see any improvement in a day or two, ask for trimeth sulfa.