Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > What is wrong with my rat?

What is wrong with my rat?

21 17:44:56

QUESTION: Hi, Umm. My rat, a black hooded, male 5 months old. He has been making these monkey/pig noises its very hard to explain, and he has been sneezing. He has bouts and then is ok for a long time. He has porphyrin every now and then but it clears up quikly and doesn't come back until the next day or so. He is living alone, I wanted to get him a friend his age, but my parents just won't let me. I am very worried about my little rattie because I read that he might have myco. But I also read that some rats can have myco, (the sniffles, sneezing and pig noises) but still be happy. He is showing no other symptoms of anything. I use Lifemate-Hemp bedding, its not as dusty as the last bedding I was using. He is now sleeping, and kept me up all night and his breathing is clear and I can't hear a thing. But once he starts sniffing around when he comes out to see me the loud sniffles start and the sneezing and pig noises! Im just worried what my next move should be. Whats your opinion? Thankyou!

ANSWER: I use hemp  too and love it. I use aspen when I cant find the hemp.

He probably has a little infection going. Your next move should be the vets. Do you have one?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What medacation should I let the vet know about? She is not very experienced in rats. Is the infection fatal? And will be little rattie rattie be ok living alone bu with alot of human attention?
Thankyou millions!

Sorry it took so long to get to you. I am on vacation and forgot to put myself on hold so I am trying to do fun vacation stuff plus keep up with my rattie friends!

Actually if the vet is not good with rats you need to find one that is.  Check this URL for a list of rats that are exotic vets. Your rat needs someone that can take proper care of him.

Also he should have a cagemate. Humans are not the same and cannot cuddle in hammocks, play the way they should play and even communicate with each other the way rats do.  A single rat is not a happy rat and often not the healthiest of rats either.