Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Ben


21 17:44:55

Hi, I brought Ben in April of 07. A few months ago or for some time now he's been getting what looks like cuts around his face, but I have nothing in his cage that would do that and I've checked his nails. I also noticed a few days ago that the blood (I would guess it is watered blood)that I find in his cage is not coming from his cuts but from his nose. He also makes weezing noises. Can you help me? I don't know what is wrong with him and I would really like him to last a little longer. Is there a different name for a doctor that specializes in rats? I can't seem to find one. I live in the Bronx.

Hi DAisy

I am going to ask for you to bear with me because I am on vacation  at the time but am still answering questions here, I just may take a bit longer than usual.

Ben does need a vet. They are called exotic vets. Even though rats are not exotic pets, they are still not ordinary tradtional pets and not all regular vets are able to care for them so its best to find an exotic vet. My website has a page about finding a vet for your rat so please go to the side menu on my site and to the AEMV link. There you will find a drop down list of exotic vets in your area that cares for rats.

Link to my page about vets:

Also, the blood from the nose is called PORPHYRIN. I have information on that too on my site with photos of rats that have it coming from the nose and eyes. Please check it out and see if it is the same thing.  Chances are it is. This indicates stress due to illness.

Here are the links:

Please let me know after you read it.
