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Is my rat purring, or just scared??

21 17:47:39


My boyfriend and I have just got a pair of Dumbo eared rats yesterday! They are 2-3 months old and very gorgeous. They seem to have settled in well, eating, drinking and exploring everywhere!
The only thing is one of the rats (Bertie) vibrates when you  cuddle him. It's not shaking but like a purring deep in his ribs. When this happens he seems to be very chilled out and half asleep curled up on my lap!
SO my question is , Is he purring?? LOL or maybe just a bit scared and overwhelmed by being in a new home??

Thank you very much would just like to make sure he's ok and if i'm making him so happy that he's purring!! :)

Katie xxx

Hi Katie

Your little rat is bruxing, which is a comparable to purring.
Bruxing is when the rat grinds his teeth really really fast. Is that what you hear? Sometimes their eyes also vibrate in and out real fast too when they brux because the vibration from the rats jaws vibrating so hard makes their eyes boggle as well.

A happy rat will brux when you hold him and pet him and scratch behind his ears yes, he likes you and he is content and feels safe with you which is really good because I have more people write about their new rats being shy and terrified so I wrote a page on my site about how to train a shy rat.

Where did you get the rats from, btw?  A breeder or pet store?

Hope this helps