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Internal Abscess

21 17:06:32

Hi Sandra,

My little 8 month hairless rat, Mochi, is having issues. She had a swelling on her side that appeared to be deep inside her body. I took her to two vets. One thought it was a swollen kidney due to an infection and put her on antibiotics for a checkup to come back. He didn't want to operate on it if it was indeed the kidney or liver. However, it has continued to grow and so I brought her in for a second opinion to another vet. After an x-ray, they thought it was a soft-tissue mass, such as an abscess or a cyst. Due to the growth rate, more likely an abscess.  My only real solution left is exploratory surgery (or an ultrasound so they can get a better picture, but I'd rather get surgery done sooner than later). Anyhow, I was wondering if I could pick your brain about internal abscesses. This thing is getting pretty large. She's still pooping a bunch and they look normal, so I don't think it is megacolon. It's just that everything I read on internal abscesses is not good. Have you had experience with these things?  Is the outlook okay? What causes them? Thank you so much for your assistance. Oh, and I wanted to add that both vets are board certified exotics. The first one I went to is even on the small mammal exotic board certified list that I've seen you link. So they should both know their way around a surgical procedure. Thank you again.

I am wondering if this isnt an internal tumor. Either way, its worth the effort to go in and get it out.  If you dont, you may lose her.

Please give me the name of the vets, just so I can check. Even though you may have found the names on the list of vets that are members of the AEMV this doesnt mean they are exotic vets that are board certified and have the exact microsurgical tools and the proper setting for such a procedure.  I just want to double check.