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Rat Consideration

21 17:40:02

Sandra-I am considering buying another rat. I went to my local pet store yesterday and she had 3 rats in a cage.  They are $16.99 and have been treated with an antibiotic Clavamox or something.  Have you heard of it?  However, when I went to hold the rat she was really scared of me and tried to run away. I understand that is normal because they aren't used to humans yet. However, she was nipping at me.  Is that normal of a baby?  To try to bite?  I mean she looked beautiful, healthy, and I really wanted to take her home right then and there.  But I am concerned about the biting. I currently have 4 rats and have never been bitten. Honestly, I can't remember if they did when they were a baby.  So, have you seen that a lot in baby rats? Is that something I should be concerned about. Thank you.

Why were they on clavamox?  Its NOT for mycoplasmosis, it wont work on it because it only attacks the cell wall to destroy the bacteria and myco itself has no cell wall so the clavamox has no way to destroy it if its myco.  

Anyhow, the biting...she may be scared to death and doesnt trust you. I am the kind of person that would get her mainly because I would not want the wrong person to get her.  say for example she is a bit nippy and the wrong person gets her and they decide they dont want a nippy rat and off to the dog pound she goes, or worse....neglected.....or even turned loose in the woods. I have seen and heard it I would get her and train her using my trust training method.  However everyone is different and I cant tell you what to do.  I just always go for the underdog....the most pathetic one, the shy one in the corner that looks ignored....the ones that may not get a home as fast as the more friendly out going rats.  Not sure if that makes sense to you or not.

And yes baby rats that are scared will bite.  

Do you know why the rats were on meds? Thats going to bug me now....