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Facial Abscess

21 17:29:38

Hello Sandra,
I have a female hairless dumbo rat named Pinky (almost two years old), last week she started developing a swollen cheek which then grew into a huge abscess. I took her to a vet who told me it would cost $350 to remove it. I didn't think that was the right thing to do though, I figured it just needed to be drained, not removed and stitched up. I took her home and tried to do a hot compress which today finally opened it up. It drained a terrible smelling green pus and her face is finally back to its normal size. I washed it with a saline solution and then put neosporin on it. Now its just a scabby flap of skin on her cheek, I think all of the pus is gone. Am I on the right track? Is it normal for there to be a big flap of skin where an abscess used to be and will it go away? Do I just leave it, how am I supposed to treat it now? Another worry I have is about the zymbal's gland tumour, could this abscess be related to that? I looked in her ear and there are no changes to her ear. She is still eating and playing with her cagemates.
Thanks so much for any help you can offer,


Your right not to let the vet operate. If it IS zymbals, that would only make it spread fast.

Have you gone to my critter city site?  I have a few photos of zymbals gland tumors.  Keep in mind not all tumors on the face are related to zymbals but they can be tricky.  Lets watch and see how it heals. Keep it clean and do what your doing.   I would keep irrigating it with saline and using neosporin.  Can you take a photo of it and send to

Here is the URL to my critter city site: