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3 day old orphaned rat pups

21 17:57:22

I have had the rat pups 3 days now I got home from work (3rd shifter) and found out my daughter left the rat room door opened and my jack russel ate the mother and 2 babies were dead and one was bleeding internally and had to be killed (it was hardly breathing and heart was irratic. How do I feed the rat pups with a syringe? where can I find one and what size what do they look like? like a needle?? I know about the wiping of the genitals but at 3 days how do I keep them alive ??

Its going to be tough......don't get your hopes up but bless you for this.
You can call the pharmacy and tell them what you have and they should be kind enough to give you the syringes...
put the syringe at the side of their mouth...they will suck it. The needle can be removed by breaking it off or twisting it. Do you know how to check for milk band?

Here is a great link to use for guidelines on caring for new rats including feeding. I figure its faster to give you the link than to type stuff out here since I would say just about everything they suggest anyhow and is written by a very good rat expert you may know of, Debbie Ducommun. She suggests using soy baby formula as opposed to the second link from the Rat and Mouse Club of America which suggest using puppy formula.  Most of it is the same thing though:
keep them warm, but do not over heat etc...

First choice for reference:

Second choice for reference:

I would call pet stores right now and ask for a surrogate mother. Many are also good hearted enough to allow you to do that ...its worth a shot.
You may also want to call your local vet, any vet, and ask them to put you in contact with a wild life rehabber to possibly help as well.
If by some miracle these pups survive, I can help socialize them.  That part I am positive about since I did it before and had the most wonderful wild rat as a pet for nearly 4 years till she left me this summer. :-(

GOOD LUCK and please keep me posted!!
